by Lobster » Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:20 am
Dharma's idea that islamist militias and religious fanatics are fighting for some sort of collectivist, anarchist worker's rights is so deluded it doesn't even merit a response. It's his go-to response though, same shtick whether the subject is Lybia or Syria or Iraq or etc...
Seeing everything through his broken f**k prism of ironically ethnocentric american leftist dogma. He may have some interesting insights on american culture and internal politics sometimes, but is woefully ill equipped to comment on anything happening in the rest of the world. It really boggles my mind how these morons will side and sympathize with an ideology infinitely more "conservative" and fundamentally broken than anything present in their safe and prosperous first world countries, literally the only places on the entire planet where their naive, childlike worldview has any popular or academic traction at all.
If your ideology had even a middling following in the mid-east (hint: it doesn't), idiots advocating it would, at the very least, be publically ostracized. And that's in the more stable muslim majority countries. They would just be outright executed under an ISIS type regime. That's why the few arab intellectuals adhering to it come to the West to pontificate. Because their lives and the lives of their families are literally at risk for voicing political opinions deviating from the norm in their native countries. There is NO f**k COMPARISON, no matter how hard you try to make the equivalency, you ignorant buffoon.
Last edited by
Lobster on Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:26 am, edited 1 time in total.