This is what I don't get about those who act as if Israel doesn't have any claim to the land. I don't see Israel as different from any settler colony. It was simply the last one to be created. Europeans have gone around the world and populated parts of just about every continent. Does a 250 year head start make you in the right? Does the fact that you slaughtered all the natives so they couldn't complain, make you right? it's not a great leap of observation to realize the only reason the palistinians are still a problem is because israel was to late in history to employ the "solution" most other settler colonies did.
To me Israel is pretty much the South Africa situation. Bunch of relatively recent whites, bigger poorer native population. Both regimes have been kind of oppressive in the past. But the reason south africa has moved forward and palistine has not is because of the choices the opposition made. I guarantee you south africa would still be an apartheid regime today, had all her neighbors waged war on her every 10 years. Had the blacks blown up busses in Johannesburg or demanded the whites be driven into the sea, they never would have let power slip. It was the recognition of white rights to play a part in the new south africa that opened the door to end apartheid. Hamas on the other hand, still does not recognize Israel's right to exist. Combine this with the fact that half of the jewish people were literally exterminated for being jewish not even a century ago, and you can understand why the palistinian demands are counterproductive to the point of being unreasonable. This is not a nation that will ever put itself in a position of military weakness, just as the whites would never have ceded absolute military authority to the blacks, even if it meant gunning them down in the streets. But once their safety and survival was no longer in question, apartheid fell quite rapidly. Once the safety and survival of Israel and her citizens is truly no longer in doubt, their position in the west bank will simply become untenable. But for that to happen Hamas, and the rest of the Palestinian leadership, need to pull and ANC and drop the militant nonsense and focus on their social efforts alone.