While I did mention insecurity, I wouldn't go so far as to say psychosis. Laziness for sure and in some cases perhaps cowardice. Bigotry is still a problem in our society - one that hurts a lot of people. But this comes in the form of institutional barriers to opportunity and success. But taking that on is less flashy and more demanding. Much easier to just go after someone insensitive comments, even though bigoted comments are the least of an oppressed minority's actual problems. Not to mention, society as a whole has rejected such overt displays of bigotry, so blogging and tweeting your discontent really isn't necessary. But the internet social justice warrior is far from a real "progressive". Progressives, as the name implies, want to move forward, to make a more egalitarian society for the future. Online SJW's on the other hand are front runners and cheerleaders for the struggles of the past. They vie to make their voice the loudest in denouncing anyone who calls black people the n-word, as if mainstream society condones such rhetoric.
I remember Stephen Colbert once interviewed George McGovern and asked him if there's any war he ever supported. McGovern said World War II and Colbert replied "That's too easy. That war had Nazis". Poor, deprived social justice warriors long for a war with nazis.