by Lobster » Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:13 am
I've said it a bunch of times already, but again: Dharma is a deluded post-modernist who views everything through a marxist worldview. He has some interesting insights on local and economic issues, sometimes. But as soon as you remove the situation from his safe first-world bubble his blatant ignorance shines through.
His views can best be resumed as "cultures that aren't european/capitalist are inherently noble and cannot be criticized, cause euro-centrism", "european/capitalist cultures are inherently evil and colonialist". He cannot grasp that this "noble savage", infantilizing view is deeply racist all around, so when called upon it his only response is to cry about what an evil racist you are because you used the word "savage", completely ignoring the context. He's a willfully ignorant, dishonest f**k retard.
He should stick to commenting on idiotic internet alternate currencies and hailing them as the seeds of the downfall of capitalism. At least that is somewhat funny as opposed to the face-palmingly stupid shit he comes up with whenever commenting on anything that happens outside of the US, colored by the classic mix of self-loathing and narcissism common to first-world pomo marxists everywhere. Because every single bad thing that has ever happened, happens or will ever happen HAS to somehow have evil colonialist capitalist white racists as the root, and other cultures are nothing more than half-bright children who cannot be held responsible for their history and actions.