by Lobster » Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:18 pm
Poe's Law in effect. Not long ago 4chan concocted a fake twitter campaign centered around "freebleeding". The Patriarchy teaches women to hate their bodies and bodily functions, feminine sanitary products like tampons were invented to force women to rape themselves. Despite the articles claiming it was fabricated entirely by 4chan, it was just recycled radfem rhetoric. The whole freebleeding thing had been around years before 4chan started it's false flag. The ammount of "serious" feminist twitter accounts who picked it up and ran with it was mindboggling. When your rhetoric becomes indistinguishable from shit spouted by 4chan trolls trying to make you look as ridiculous as possible, it should be an indication that maybe you have a PR problem. No wonder people and women specifically are increasingly unwilling to identify as feminist.