Although the concept of rape culture is ridiculous, there are plenty of men who, were they able to feel safe in expressing their opinions, would closely resemble the Taliban. Mostly these are religious social conservatives, as is to be expected. The thing is that Western society has really made it hard for such people to speak truthfully - the repercussions of admitting the degree to which they wish to suppress women are quite high, and so like most racists, they have been driven underground. Grant them anonymity, and the true extent of their hatred comes out.
I know this because I've managed to get a few people to admit to some really f**k up stuff IRL. If you want some good indicators of who holds these opinions, really pay attention to what they are saying. Those who talk about how men are "the head of the household" often have such views. Those who talk about how they support "traditional family structures" are often referring to what is really a sub-dom relationship, with the man holding almost all financial, physical and sexual authority. People who make a big issue of what women wear when they are raped often tip-toe around what they are saying - it is one thing to warn a person you know about the dangers of putting yourself in certain high-risk situations, it is another to know that a rape has occurred and to say something like "Well she was dressed like a slut" or "She shouldn't have been drinking." The difference is subtle, but it exists: one is attempting to help people avoid rape based upon a rational assessment of contributing factors, the other is excusing something that has already occurred, and often times has nothing to do with what actually went down.
So, yeah, while I think the whole notion of rape culture is incredibly silly, there are most certainly a great deal of men who, when given anonymity, would sound virtually identical to the Taliban (to a degree). Most Westerners aren't apt to endorse government intervention on their behalf though - they don't want to give police the right to punish women, they merely want to preserve that right for themselves.