So what IS rape culture, exactly Indy?
Many feminists would entirely agree with Ben that pornography is indeed part of rape culture. Frankly no one gives a shit if you don't think it belongs there or that you haven't mentioned it. You do not represent feminists or feminist ideology. In fact you are clearly pathetically ignorant of anything but the most superficial and cursory information.
That's part of the problem really. Like a lot of other feminist items of faith, rape culture has no clear and delineated definition. It is deliberately vague and malleable, and more importantly it is unfalsifiable. There are as many definitions of rape culture as there are feminists. What one may find "empowering" and "anti-patriarchal" another would say is contributing to the hatred and objectification of women. And according to feminist tenets of "lived experience" and "the personal is political", they would both be right.
Porn is actually the perfect example, because as anyone who is even slightly familiar with the history of the ideology (obviously I do not include you in this) the feminist Sex Wars showed how arbitrary and self-serving accusations of internalized misogyny and slutshaming and objectification really are. "Rape culture" is defined as what is most convenient as a support for whatever social or political arguement you are making at the time. And it is always, always appeal to emotions. As the shrieking partisan shill this entire forum knows you to be, it is no surprise you would find this perspective attractive.