I understand perfectly well that your navel-gazing is entirely focused on the US, the only culture you have ever experienced or are personally familiar with. Strange how these inherent animal instincts are sometimes flipped into socially constructed and imposed false consciousness depending on what idiocy you are arguing today, and are unique to "western" culture.
It's absolutely debatable that post-industrial "western" culture is an all-consuming leviathan devouring the world, just not in your eyes because the idea that humanity is a destructive virus is an item of faith to your misanthropic world view.
Accepting reality, shitty as it is, is hard I know, but most people grow out of wishful thinking unrealistic utopias by the time they leave puberty, something you've obviously skipped because it makes you think you're some sort of rebel speaking truth to power. So brave. Such courage. The consequences for daring to criticize are so harsh, in this totalitarian shit "western" culture, truly you are a hero.