it's problematic in a world where we think men and women are equal to put everything on the man to be sober enough to make intelligent decisions when a woman is inebriated. that is, if both are inebriated, it's not really rape, its more like "bad decision making" (unless one person drugged the other one outside of what the person knew they were taking). unless you want to say men need to be treated as men and women as women and women are lesser beings who need protection.
in this one's case, sure he was convicted of rape but he's out of prison. so why does it matter? do you think he's going to do it again? lets destroy some kids life forever because of a bad decision he made when he was a kid, or let him be a kid again and play football. this is totally different situation than at penn state where you had an old man raping vulnerable 10 year olds who had no idea what the f**k is going on