by Mr.Bill » Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:56 pm
I really shouldn't be surprised but I am a little surprised at the stupidity of this act by ISIS. They're barbaric animals, which means they're pretty stupid.
But they were winning in Syria, and the world opinion was firmly against Assad,so they had that going for them..And then in Iraq they're winning, and even in the US most people, including Obama it seems, were willing to let Iraq stand or fall on their own.. We wanted to stay out of it..
But then ISIS beheads a journalist no one ever heard of, they film it, brag about it, which puts the spotlight, and our bombs and drones right on them.. ISIS was flying under the RADAR, now they have a huge bulls-eye on their back, and they are now in a battle they can not win..
It was a really, really stupid move on their part.. They're saying let's pull the tigers tail and fight a battle we can't win. Idiots.