I have absolutely no idea about any of these claims, nor do I care. Charities are like any other private or public organization, they are only as good as the people who are running it.. In the few years after 9/11 something like 1/2 of the 9/11 charities were bogus..Anyone who gives to any charity without doing some homework 1st is an idiot.
But I think fact checking some of these 'claims' might be a good idea. What was the one claim? 2124 pets were given to PETA, but only 7 found homes?? The rest were killed???? A kid standing on a corner giving away kittens would do better than that. I mean with no kill shelters everywhere, millions of people looking to adopt animals, yet a leading pet charity can only save 7 out of 2000+ animals? Hard to believe.
And the Coke 'claim' is strange too. An obesity 'forum' (WHAT?) accepted money from Coke and that's bad because Coke is a sugary drink? I'm missing that point.