Just to be clear, I said they were all forms of harm. I did not say they were equally harmful. I was asking for differences of quality, not quantity. My point being when it comes to producing violence lines drawn between causally intentionally initiating violence due to voicing of opinion and acts of violence themselves, would be arbitrary.
I haven't forgotten your post either roy. Just haven't had the time to devote to answering it today, my apologies. I would not also however, that in using the U.K as a case study, I was not defending it entirely as a status quo, merely point-out out that 'hate speech' laws do not in and of themselves seriously erode the voicing of controversial opinions. If I were in-charge of the CPS things would be quiet different, though to suggest no action is taken against salafists inside the U.K is incorrect and the group in question that does these burning poppy demonstrations has been banned several times in several incarnations. Furthermore, if we really want to talk about Van Wilders, I suggest we take into another thread as any response on him would have to devote a fair bit of a space to analysis of the qu'ran itself.