by gla22 » Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:22 pm
1. You guys are delusional if you think the EU is going to enact sanctions tough enough against Russia to change its behavior. The EU economy is on life support, 0% interest rates, asset purchases, bank bailout and some sort of QE coming soon. Not to mention 25%+ unemployment in some countries and stalling growth. It cant afford to pay more for oil and gas.
2. The U.S. cares more about the Ukraine more than the EU does. Why do you think the EU is going to make itself suffer even more so the U.S. can play its game with Russia? I think a lot of EU citizens and leaders are pretty pissed about how the US' recent interventions in the ME have played out and have put 500k Arabs and Africans on the shore of North Africa trying to flood Europe. The US' game in the ME taking out Assad, Saddam and Gaddafi are going to manifest themselves in the bombed out metro lines and radical islam in Europe.
3. Smart countries that actually care about their citizens (switzerland) are keeping their mouth shut, are still holding boatloads of russian money and are staying out of the EU mess and thriving comparatively.