by The Dharma Bum » Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:02 am
the easiest jobs to automate are the professions
doctor, teacher, lawyer, real estate agent, marketing, accounting, admin etc are all things that can and will be done by automation much much more cheaply so it's not just the social position of fast food workers that will be degraded by these developments, thats how the issue is presented so people will take the exact positions you are taking. you are being manipulated to think counter to your own interests, which are to be paid as much as possible. however, instead, you are identifying with the corporate sectors interests which are to pay everyone the least amount possible.
half of current jobs will be gone by 2030, by the turn of the century human labor will be obsolete.
so how is class society and consumerism going to function then? It's obvious this course is not sustainable, so you guys aren't thinking about the ramifications very deeply.