by The Dharma Bum » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:41 am
While I don't like the enhanced scope that government has taken on as of late either but I don't think that is the issue here
it's more that the outcome that democracy seeks to produce, an empowered citizenry, hasn't become a reality. Instead an elaborate system of social control based on manipulating emotional response utilizing spectacles and consumer products designed to appeal to our innermost emotional desires has evolved in it's place.
The current political situation is part of this spectacle. It's a highly emotionally charged passion play in which the desires of the common person are replaced with what corporate America wants. The average individual is nothing more than a spectator and consumer whose every action is directed by forces outside of his control, and in many cases, his awareness.
government is the interface between corporate america and regular people. It's complex because of the complex interaction I've described. Unfortunately it is also corrupt.