by The Dharma Bum » Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:42 am
I'm not saying we should stop or otherwise inhibit technical developments, I'm talking about how we can deal with the effects of technological development as a species.
because our paradigm is about to change very rapidly. the age old monetary concept is no longer valid
consider this question
do humans control technology, or does technology control them? The instinctive use of stone tools by earlier hominids actually predates the emergence of the species homo sapiens and tool use evidently influenced hominid evolution toward social organization, language, and intelligence. So in a real sense the technium created us, we didn't create it. And it continues to dominate our cultural development to this day.
Without technology cultural development is an impossibility. That doesn't mean we shouldn't attempt to retain the perspectives of humanity as development progresses beyond our physical control, however. This is the essence of humanism and the most important application of it's principles is in the technical space.