Where I disagree with you is that those laws are an extension of the nations that wrote them, as all laws are, and they are very, very flawed. There needs to be international law, but I do not think it needs to be as vast as you think it should. I am more than willing to let nations be themselves and interact with other nations. If they cross too many lines, the big stick gets brought out. More often then not there is no such a thing as clear cut good guys and bad guys in society when dealing with nations at war. A bunch of different groups of assholes fighting over some land neither of them really want, it just looks good on the national resume to have it. Like seriously, between Argentina and Britain, who really wants the Falklands? Israel/Gaza is sitting on a piece of land that is a shithole in terms of natural resources or anything else, but they'll commit acts of aggression towards one another to make sure they can call it theirs. Our founders did this shit too. Native Americans, what are they? This is America

The Muslims run Jerusalem...start a crusade. This is human existence at it's most general of scales. Everyone thinks the way they live their life is best and we can't have other cultures achieving as much as ours is so let's bomb them and take their land. Hell, one of the first things to happen in the Bible is that humanity sins and then Cain kills his brother Abel. This is why I am a nihilist. Enjoy your life, make the most of it, but f*ck most of the rest. I protested here in MD in favor of Gay Marriage in our state and it passed. I did my part.
..."if the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."