by The Dharma Bum » Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:27 am
yeah, thats because of free trade and is a recent development
all of the private manufacturing jobs went bye bye. The only ones left are heavy industries ie strategic defense industries, which are protected by the state..
that's the US economy.
Because of free trade we no longer see jobs as a strategic sector of the economy, to be protected by the state. Now its all about profits for global corporations and financial conglomerates, which are what creates a large and growing part of the private global economy. Small business is the other side of the private global economy and they are getting squeezed by the big boys in most arenas. (but not all)
The private global economy, one aspect of which is the service sector in the US, is quite simply not adequate to the task of feeding, clothing, and sheltering everyone on the planet. Americans are feeling it as their income levels are equalizing with those of the rest of the world, which is ascendancy by virtue of being the recipient of outsourced jobs from the US.
All since the free trade agreements of the 90s and later.