by The Comrade » Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:45 am
not sure how this response fits with what i said.
i didn't say zimbabwe wasn't a colony, or that it wasn't brutalized. i just said their problems were not the UK or white people, they are mugabe. and mugabe is not a product of colonialism, he is just an opportunist who seized power and won't let go of it. he is no different from any power hungry individual in history. never said congo and algeria weren't colonies either. i said congo was brutalized, algeria was kind of kept nice by the french. colonialism was imperialistic, but not every colonial power was the belgian king and not every area owned was subject to the same levels of oversight and centralization.
no, i don't deny it. but most of the americas are no less dependent on larger powers economically than african nations are. and, in almost every case, those south american countries faced far more brutal conditions as colonies than many african nations did. yet the americas are doing much better for themselves in comparison to africa (and have faced, arguably, much more direct intervention in their domestic affairs by the US and others). in that context, colonialism isn't a very good reason.
yes, i do disagree. some things are results of cultural traits that you, again, cannot just blame on colonialism. wealth, power, prestige, and economic independence haven't tempered some of the barbaric behavior of the arab oil states. if you want to deconstruct it you can make a long train going back 1300 years to the foundation of islam and everything that has followed. but like with the africa-americas comparison, why did europe stop being terrible and the middle east, save for a few pockets, remain in the 1300s?