I'm of the opinion that the United States needs to be disbanded. There really is no point continuing with this. I mean a solid 30% of your population consists of the most reactionary, uneducated and hateful people in the Western world. Another 30% are the "bad liberals," otherwise known as social justice warriors. This is what needs to happen:
Those 60% are transferred into the Southern states, and allowed to be total flower of paradise to each other.
The remaining 40% are transferred into those States that border Canada. Those states are then incorporated into Canada - your independents and decent leftists are essentially Canadians anyways.
California rejoins Mexico.
Everyone lives happily ever after. This will allow your moderates and independents access to a functional (abit imperfect) political system. It will remove the influence of that 60%, who insists upon f**k with everyone between them in their attempt to hurt the other side. And it drastically expands the territory and political power of my country. I can't see any problems here at all. We'll take all the states down to around Colorado, excepting Utah and Kentucky. Everything beneath that becomes the Confederacy of Retards.