by Philly » Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:45 pm
I don't know what the executive order is going to be exactly but if it is basically telling enforcement officials that certain things aren't a priority and therefore brings deportation and other actions against undocumented immigrants to a halt I could imagine that is within his rightful authority as president. If he does something that actually gives citizenship to people who couldn't get it under current law then yeah I'd question if he can actually do that. But either way since Republicans in congress have said they want to get a bill through because they think it's necessary I don't understand why Boehner says it point blank won't happen if Obama does an executive order in the meantime. Why not proceed with immigration reform bills regardless of Obama's executive action, considering he's said th executive order will only exist in absence of legislation? Yeah there's a giant canyon between Obama and congress about what should be done but the executive order won't change that either way so why would that be the reason to not even try a legislative solution?
go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The f**k Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse