Another way that the Fed sticks it nose where it doesn't belong.
Rape is clearly, and unarguably, the purview of the state. There is no way that the Fed could make a law (or order, or whatever) saying that men must obtain permission for sex.
However, they get around this by saying, "If you (the state, or university) don't require men to get permission, we will pull funding."
They did the same thing with drinking laws. They told LA, "If you don't raise your drinking age to 18, we will pull highway funding." And, for a while, my state told the Fed to go f**k themselves. However, because our tax dollars (meant for roads) were leaving the state, and not coming back, we eventually had to cave.
Personally, I think that the states should pass a law stating that if the Fed pulls funding for a program, that the equivalent amount of Federal tax dollars shall not be paid to the Fed, and should instead be paid to the state. Of course, no way that would actually work... but I like the idea.