The problem with this case, like it was with the George Zimmerman case, is: there's no tape. So it's basically not even he said/she said because one person is dead.
There were witnesses but listening to the DA last night I can't tell whose testimony was considered credible and whose wasn't.
But the biggest problem with this case is that everybody lined up immediately afterward on one side or the other; white conservatives were going to exonerate Wilson no matter what--liberals and African Americans would not accept anything less than a murder charge. That's not how you approach criminal cases.
That said, giving Wilson the benefit of the doubt that it was self-defense there is a very real problem of black males being gunned down at the slightest provocation whereas white open-carry morons can, for instance, take over an intersection waving a rifle and the police use the utmost restraint. Or, an entire gang of heavily-armed open-carriers show up at a ranch and literally point their weapons at law enforcement and they don't even get arrested. Can you imagine if those were New Black Panthers?
That said clearly Brown was no saint and had literally just robbed a convenience store minutes earlier using strong-arm tactics. Again, assuming that Wilson is innocent here I'll say what I said about Zimmerman--his training sucks. You're in a police SUV and upon encountering the suspects somehow you manage to let one get partially in your vehicle and get at your gun? Huh? Things escalate to the point where your only out is to blow away the suspect firing a dozen shots? Who taught you how to approach suspects? About a safety perimeter? Especially since there were two of them, so this could have easily turned into a two-on-one? You couldn't have tazed him from inside the car? Etc., etc.
The whole thing sucks because in the end, like with most dead-end issues, neither side wants to take responsibility for its own problems. Young black males do have a high incidence of violent crime and there is a problem of police using deadly force as a first resort if the suspect is black. But neither side wants to look in the mirror--they want to "win."
The oddest things to me about this whole thing last night were:
-Wilson's apparent lack of injuries when we were told otherwise, based on the photos
-The DA trying to say that well, lots of white young men get shot by cops too. Huh?