Ex, crawl up in a ball and die. You just got pwned so f**k hard, your ass feels like a Bangladeshi rape victim's.
Why have credentials if you can't use them? If credentials are useless, why do we cite people in certain fields that have CREDENTIALS to be experts on their chosen subject? By your logic, Neil Tyson is an elitist asshole.
Notice how you quoted somebody that says shooting to injure is dumb. Why did you quote him and his article? Because you think he has the credentials to back up his claims that you quoted. Not only that, you quoted an article that clearly states that it's one man's opinion on the subject and that it's one that is still open to debate. If it wasn't, legislatures wouldn't be trying to pass shoot-to-injure bills.
..."if the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."