You just have to wonder at what point this argument that "we are the good guys" become just wrong.
We preemptively invade countries, we torture our enemies, we drop bombs on weddings with no warning, we invade the airspace and land of our "allies", we spy on our own citizens and tap the phones of our "allies". What other country is doing all this shit? Evertime it happens, its seen as some isolated mistake and of course we are the good guys so an apology should suffice.
Do you realize what a pattern of belligerent and murderous behavior this is? Obviously we are f**k better than al-queda, but compared to any other sovereign state, even the Chinese or Russians, we f**k up an extreme amount of shit and disregard international law and convention like it's no big deal. You guys have this double standard that always views the mistakes of america as well intentioned and one time affairs, when if other countries did these things we would call them animals. Yea, Putin invaded crimea, but we literally destroyed Iraq for NO REASON. We tortured people. We routinely kill innocent foreign citizens in drone strikes. We tapped the phones of our best european allies and didn't f**k bother to think it would be an issue.
At what point do you people realize this is a pattern of behavior that would get any other country condemned, sanctioned and probably invaded if it had the misfortune of dealing with an America led by someone like W. And now everyone here wants to give us kudos for at least being "brave" and "free" enough (when in reality it turns out we probably are just to incompetent to do any of this secretly) to make public all the horrible things we have been doing since 9/11?