by exploited » Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:48 pm
I just don't want to see the baby thrown out with the bathwater. I think it is right and fair that certain people make more money then me. I can also recognize when we've gone off the deep end in terms of wage inequality, and unfortunately that's been for all of history.
I would like to see people assert themselves and say, with force, that they have the same right to live and prosper as the rich, who ruthlessly pursue their own self-interest. Our planet is shared and so we must share. I get that. On the other hand, I can see very clearly that humanity has only gotten this far through the most brutal Darwinian struggle imaginable... And perhaps that will to dominate and hurt and compete is something to be harnessed but never tamed.
Anyways, to the point: moving to a system where every economic decision could be put under democratic control seems just as undesirable as moving to one where every decision is private (although, to be fair, that is exactly what is happening, so maybe Dharma has a point in suggesting such drastic changes).
Any proposal would have to keep the logistics in mind. What would corruption look like in such a system? How do people get paid? Who determines what and to what degree? How do we need to reorganize our legal system? It's a big task, so I'd need to see some specifics before I committed to it one way or another.