by John Galt » Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:21 am
its really not though
anything can hurt people. anything can be a weapon. a drill, a wheel, and some wood i saw turned into a semiautomatic weapon that could fire multiple javelins per second at speed of about 70mph. the device was aimable with little amount of effort. i saw it on mythbusters and i thought: WE MUST BAN WOOD
guns are dangerous sure, but that has f**k all as to whether or not they should be regulated. they are so important to our country that we have enshrined the right to own them in our constitution, which specifically says that right cannot be infringed. since as you would say the bill of rights has been applied against the states, the right cannot be infringed upon by any government entity. so the position of gun ownership is the very solid one, and frankly all the other stuff surrounding it doesn't even matter in the end: it can't be touched without changing the constitution
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.