by Mathurin » Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:41 pm
Dont want to be subject to a tyrannical boss?
Be a part of a tyrannical group, take control before they can control you.
Take control of something you have no ownership in.
This is the thinking of a man who is a slave already, in his own mind. He believes there are no choices in life, no jobs but one they currently have.
I have worked for bad bosses before, but never been subject to them, I know I am there for money and nothing else, and sometimes I choose to take a different job somewhere else to get away from them.
I have also been a boss, I had to fire another boss for being stupid (Hard to say tyrannical, she would change the written schedule so she could bitch at employees for not showing up, thats just stupid) few companies want that kind of boss, complain to your bosses boss, go somewhere else.
I like unions when they are not backed by government, they act as a counter-balance to employers without being overpowered.