FWIW - I dislike Christie, too. But, mine is because we worked for him and his administration. I have first-hand knowledge and experience with how he will gladly sell his constituents down the river to further his own ambition.
For instance, we were in a meeting to figure out if mobile homes would qualify for rebuilding money after Superstorm Sandy. It's a complicated issue, because technically, they are cars (certified by the DMV and have a VIN). But, people live in them. The administration's attorney in the meeting said, "Screw them. If we give money to all the trailer park people, there won't be hardly any left for people who own houses along the coast." Of course, "people who own houses along the coast" = "richer than hell voters". The decision was made and sent to Christie's office, who approved it.
There's more, but I just get worked up about it.