by broken robot » Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:54 am
Why do Americans hate Muslims? Basically after the Cold War, liberalism needed a new "other" after the Soviet Union in order to continue justify its relevance as an ideology legitimating modern global capitalism. Given our long-standing network of relationships and involvement in the Middle East (primarily: 1) oil, 2) Israel), "Islam" became part of a convenient geopolitical narrative explaining our involvement over there. Of course State Department officials won't mention it in official statements, but the subtext coupled with media sensationalism has generated a sizable constituency of popular support that believes Islam is in fact the cause of global problems such as terrorism.
Of course the idiots like Osama bin Laden, in addition to their deranged behavior and actions, present themselves as representing the culture of "Islam" to the West. And so the cycle continues, ignoring the various other factors that drive conflict in the Middle East and other places (in contrast to darkhorse's *cough* perceptive analysis).
That said, fear and hatred of Islam is likely to become subdued over the long run because 1) there are more splits and divisions in the world that might generate alternative axes of geopolitical conflict (ie. "Asian capitalism") and 2) there are splits and divisions within Islam that render our generalizations increasingly problematic (ie. the fact that the US finds it's fighting alongside the "enemy of its enemy," Iran).
The Subversives