by Giant_Enemy_Crab » Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:29 pm
Not to get in the way of this clearly, erudite discussion you old timers have going, but as a militant atheist, I take it upon myself, to school up on shit. So here is my piece.
I think it might have something to do with most Americans, most Westerners even knowing f**k dick about Islam.
Hell, I've not seen things move on much in my years on this planet in terms of discourse on Islam than one of two options. With very, f**k little deviating in any real meaningful way.
1) It's f**k the bee's f**k knee's. Alls cool bro. There's no problem but islamophobia.
-False its f**k on Apostasy, and as soon as you get away from the core texts and into what the people on the street believe (in short, what the local Iman belives and the particular body of non-Qu'ranic, text he draws on) gets f**k fast. Make no mistake I actually f**k admire mohammed, we could wish for a better stateman and / or military leader. But is that modern islam? Lol wut, bro, do you even know who Salafi is?
2) Literally Hitler, look Mohammed was a pedophile.
-What can I say, many people consider reading whatever the latest version of little green footballs is as being literate on a topic. I mean, f**k hell, every one is a child of their time. That's not some statement of moral relativism, but people flipped into the Islam camp from the Byzantines for more than just the f**k sick f**k flags they had with all the squiggly writing.
So really, Nearly everyone is ignorant and reads into Islam based on their particular f**k variant of American politics. You hate Muslims based on some warped version of nationalism, you f**k bone a straw-man of Islam based on being some aspiring humanitarian light to the world.
In reality, modern, especially Sunni Islam (lets skip over the fact Shia islam is often inseparable from Irans lovely foreign policy) has some serious problems with basically ignoring the Saudi funded rot (liberal monarchy gotta appear non-haram to the Bedouins with guns and SUV's some how eh?) thats spread into nearly every poorly integrated Muslim community in the western world. But as a religion, its just as retarded as the rest.
The number of people on top of this though, is literally dozens. Myself included.