by The Dharma Bum » Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:51 am
its like you are arguing that internal combustion doesn't happen in an individual engine but occurs in the refinery that produces the gasoline used by the vehicle and is magically imparted to everyone who participates in internal combustion based transportation.
the vaccine mechanically works in the individual body as a chemical reaction that causes the body to produce antibodies. If you vaccinate yourself from the strain of flu that currently exists and no one else does the vaccine will still work for you agianst that strain. Herd immunity is simply not a factor in the chemical reaction that causes the human body to produce anti bodies. This is why flu vaccines are not mandatory even though influenza is an extremely virulent and deadly microorganism
Its a demographic factor, as winchester pointed out. If you can't understand the distinction and want to keep bleating out your party line go ahead.