and its not even enough that muslims abide by the idea of a perfect human being (mohammed) and the perfect book (the recitation). these are fantasies that they then proclaim others must abide by.
when a coptic bishop called into question whether or not a verse in the koran was added at a later date, the egyptians in 2010 dragged the coptic pope up onto tv to denounce his own bishop. the verse in question questioned the divinity of jesus... something that is core to the christian beliefs. but the coptic pope had to denounce his own bishop. not only can muslims not question this assertion that the recitation even if written like a 100 years after it was first spoken was exactly as it was said and no additions were possibly ever made (even though alternate versions were destroyed in the past.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) they force non muslims to agree with this insane fantasy as well muslims can say that the koran isn't perfect because man is flawed and man has changed the book in the past, islam isn't the final revelation of god because we do not know that because the koran is flawed, and mohammed was just a man (albeit blessed.. this is different than the christian idea because the christians do not believe jesus was the "perfect man" since "perfect man" is a category that doesn't exist, they claim he was actually god. which is crazy in and of itself, but the idea that mohammed and his life was perfect that leads muslims to vernerate (in bizarre ways) and emulate how he lived. and he was a warlord in arabia so this isn't exactly something people should be striving for), i don't think islam and western society will ever get along.
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.