by Professor » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:30 am
Don't bet on this becoming a reality.
Look up "MKG Group" (as quoted in almost all the news stories). You won't find anything on them, except news stories. Can't actually find out anything about the company. Then, look up "MGK Group". You might finallly find "". This site has only been around since early September 2012. The company only names 1 financial backer.
However, I like the idea of the place. So long as property taxes are high enough to provide for basic services (law enforcement, judicial system, public works, education), then I think this will be a great place to live and do business for the next 10 years. Probably go downhill after that (as roads need repairing, schools start failing, etc.). But, I'd jump on it to make some quick money.