by The Dharma Bum » Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:01 pm
You guys are mostly a bunch of ignorant bourgeois mccarthyites and have no idea what communism even is about. If you knew you would find you agree with it because all of us are harmed by this exploitative system of oligarchy. Karl Marx was a supporter of Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S Grant. Ho Chi Minh was a fan of the US founding fathers. Communism is a well developed concept for a social order built on mutual aid and democracy rather than domination and exploitation.
Unfortunately the America of today is no longer about freedom for individuals, it is about oligarchy imposing imperialism and global hegemony. Its domestic support depends entirely on the manufactured worldview that its highly sophisticated methods of social control have conditioned into the population. Almost all of the ideas expressed in this thread are based on misconceptions engendered by the world's most sophicated propaganda machine.
You hate communism only because fascism requires an enemy to unite the ignorant masses behind an ideology that does nothing whatsoever to benefit them, it could be islam, jews, or communists. But there must always be an enemy.
you live in a f**k police state that requires a constant state of paranoia among its population for its internal support, wake up.