But, in all fairness, I don't buy into the numbers game. For the numbers to be generated in the first place, one has to decide what constitutes the thing the numbers will be generated from. As we have clearly seen from the OP and the opposition to that, there are two very different viewpoints of what constitutes the thing the numbers are being generated from for this issue. Thus, do the numbers have it in the bag on this one? I don't think so.
There are MANY things that constitute non-peace. Bullying, military occupations, dropping nukes, mass slavery, neighborhood shootings, cocersion (fraud, theft, psycological manipulation, etc) homicide, blowing up places you don't like, etc. These are ALL things that are non-peaceful, at least by viewpoint, and this is the short list. I doubt they were all included in the numbers, and that is because of viewpoint/perception.
That being said, my viewpoint is based on natives being slaughtered, ethnicities being gased, whole continents being enslaved, nuke bombs being dropped, medevil villages being pillaged, and cavemen pulling women by the hair (