I'm not sure people are saying that violence is "solving" things, as much as they're saying violence is happening because those things aren't being solved.
At most I believe violence is going to draw attention to something which obviously isn't getting enough in the eyes of those who are being affected.
You know what's so funny? So many of our problems are self-inflicted. The Orioles guy said it best: we ship jobs overseas to dictatorships, we don't fund education properly, we're literally wiping out our own middle class which means poor people are doomed to stay poor and we embrace a monetary, taxation and gov't ideology where we think the country will be great if the top 10% have all the wealth and just keep getting richer.
Hey you know what? At least these people are doing something, even if it's ineffective. When Wall St. raped the country, emptied the treasury and bought off the gov't so we are literally their piggy bank for all future misadventures--all while throwing millions of people out of homes and jobs and crashing the economy...
Nobody was burning down the CVS over that. The only people who showed up to protest were OWS, who were mocked incessantly by the media. Maybe they should have broken more stuff.