by Tejada » Fri May 08, 2015 1:27 pm
I think a lot of people enjoy feeling righteous and knowing that all who oppose them are very wrong, possibly even evil, but at the very least, un-American.
Just tried to find a study I read a while back with no luck but the gist of it was researchers assembled groups of people that stated they were very confident in their position on a given controversial issue (think abortion, stem cell research, etc) to be the "correct" one to hold.
Each participant was asked to record what side of the issue they were on, then they were asked to record how confident they were with holding that position on a 1-10 scale.
After this was done they were provided with an information sheet detailing the argument for both sides and attempting to explain the nuances of the situation.
After they were done reading they were then asked to record their opinion on the issue again and their confidence level. Almost across the board the people that were the most confident going in (9s and 10s), dialed their scores back more than anyone else. Having heard the opposing sides views and reasons for holding them, doubt was introduced into what was otherwise a concrete belief in their own rightness.
The memory of this study stuck with me as I have often felt the person shouting the loudest and displaying the most outrage is likely the most ignorant. It's not surprising that someone would come to an unyielding, nearly faith based position on an issue when they can't or won't see the issue through the eyes of their opponents or take the time to understand the nuances of a situation.
In answer to your question, I think people enjoy getting outraged because believing in their own correctness on the issue of the day is one of the greatest joys of their otherwise hum-drum lives.
I have never been mad online.