Right, so aren't we sort of catering to their paranoiac and esoteric ideologies when we treat them as valid "political" stances?
Consumer protection being a great example: what kind of a tool has a problem with gov't protecting its citizens from harmful products? Oh, what's that, you say? You don't believe gov't should do that? Oh, well then who should? Oh, you don't have an answer for that? THANKS FOR PLAYING. You can get your parking validated at the front desk.
It's also funny to me that all these so-called "conservatives" who are allegedly deathly afraid of "gov't intrusion" not only support warrantless NSA spying, they attack those who criticize it, like Rand Paul.
Why all the inconsistency? Because that's not really what this "conservative" ideology is all about now, is it? It's simply a proxy for something else.