Hey Saz, just out of curiosity, I agree with your statements regarding males in education at schools all over. In Texas at least, if you are in athletics or something in general you encounter a male coach from 7-12. That actually has a huge impact in kids that want to be in sports. One area that hurts society, is actually the for the kids who get kicked out of athletic programs or don't participate at all. You can go into countless number of elementary, and intermediate schools and find 1 male faculty member, and its usually the janitor or PE teacher (maybe). So in theory, I think a legitimate figure at the younger ages does help, the problem is males are generally in education for coaching...and that's it. Its why a majority of kids are used to saying yes ma'am, instead of yes sir.
The issue I want you to answer for me, is how are you going to get males into the lower grades? Do they teach? Males that teach at the elementary level are probably gay or a pedophile. I wish the school districts would allow coaches at the high schools to consistently run programs where they go to the elementary and junior high schools and build their programs up from the ground. Unfortunately it will never work that way.