Isn't Trump really the manifestation of what's been coming for a long time, and that's the blurring of the lines between rage merchants/pundits and actual politicians?
Here we have it: our very first FOX News candidate--skillful at harvesting rage and provoking resentment using a faux-populist bent (when he's a plutocrat in reality), but ideas for governing? Pathetic. Non-existent. But that's not the point, to govern. It's to hold power and distract the 99%.
Panem et circenses.
I'm really pumped for this Morton Downey Jr. documentary this week because I've literally been saying for years that all these rage merchants are basically operating off that template--and now we have our very own MDJ candidate. I'm surprised that he hasn't brought up an actor wearing a sombrero at his appearances so he can "punch" him off the stage...