by Spider » Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:25 pm
At least for now, I'm in "The More the Merrier" mode when it comes to immigration. I'm just not seeing enough of a downside to justify tweaking out over it. So we get flooded with brown people. So what? They're going to be brown Americans. Good enough for me. Its not as though American is defined by any particular ethnicity. Their kids are going to be a vital part of our country going forward. Its the same old immigrant story we've had since Ellis Island, with all the same waving of arms and predictions of doom that we had back then. What we're getting are a lot of hard working, industrious people chasing the same dream our ancestors chased. Yeah, we're getting a nasty crust in the bottom of the barrel along with it, but that's also always been there.
I used to get upset about immigration on the grounds that it was BS for Latin America to use the US as a pressure relief valve for their own domestic failures and social problems. Plus, it pissed me off that people felt somehow entitled to enter a country that doesn't claim them. These things still piss me off. But f**k it.
If, as Medius suggests, we need an amendment to eliminate the problem with people feeling forced to have children (at a time when they can least afford to!) in order to remain in the country, then so be it. But we need to keep the influx coming for now. They're bringing too much awesome with them to turn them away now. We've still got room for people and the growth they bring along.