It sounds f**k up but we really should bring back corporal punishments. I would gladly take 10 lashes before I would want a felony, or even misdemeanor, on my record for life. And I'm sure homeboy would rather take a few lashes than languish in prison for months.
I'm not sure if there is a better way but bail just strikes me as archaic. It reminds me of third world countries where the rich bribe their way out of jail and the poor serve their entire sentence, or of debtor prisons in the past. I do think though for non-violent offenses, there should simply be some sort of open campus style place where people stay until trial. There is no need to keep this guy in a cell like an animal. Imagine a college campus but with guards and walls, where the guy can go to his dorm as he pleases, go the library, use a computer, etc. Seems much more humane than throwing them in a cell because they can't come up with enough money.