by Libertarian602 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:33 pm
I don't see how rolling out Darth Cheney would help Biden or Clinton one bit, since they both voted to authorize force in Iraq. They would be shooting themselves in the foot. Folks seem to forget how the whole "I voted for it before I voted against it" helped sink Kerry. The Rove smear machine didn't have to work to hard to beat him.
And, even though I personally like Biden better than Clinton, he's still a establishment DC politician. So I'd never vote for him, but I'd sure as f**k prefer him over a Clinton if the dems take the White House next year. If Biden takes the nomination, I'm not going to vote for any of the retards in GOP, unless it's the chick or black guy , or by some miracle the quasi libertarian, who's squaring off against Biden. If it's a Bush, I'm just going to vote third party again.
But then again, my vote doesn't count for much, since my state will probably go red next year anyway, and I'm apart of the maybe 2% that regularly votes third party.
“Liberty has not only enemies which it conquers, but perfidious friends, who rob the fruits of its victories: Absolute democracy, socialism.”
-Lord Acton