by Dylan » Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:46 am
On Jefferson - maybe, maybe not. It's impossible to say.
Republicans are vehemently opposed to any sort of registration. I think they're also opposed to universal background checks and biometric handguns.
Last time expanded background checks came up the GOP Senate knocked it down. They literally want everybody in America to have easy access to firearms. They are controlled part and parcel by the NRA and are shameless cowards and liars. The background check legislation at issue didn't even require background checks for guns to get passed around among private individuals! It just applied to internet sales and sales at gun shows, and even that was FAR too much for Republicans, who believe that EVERYBODY should be able to obtain a firearm regardless of whether or not they are insane, have a criminal record, etc.
They are truly deplorable and awful human beings who have a lot of blood on their hands.