by John Galt » Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:19 am
it's another example of just going after the wrong thing.
the problem is far far worse than innocents possibly getting executed. it's innocents getting convicted.
i think part of the problem is jury trials. think for a moment about any scandal, and how the internet immediately condemns people based upon what one person said. if that person has any governmental authority, whatever they said is taken as truth. something similar plays out with juries, since both sides make it a point to weed out any independent thinkers who might not be so easily herded to their conclusion their side wants them to reach. i'd rather have a triumvirate of trained judges whose livelihood depends on coming up with the correct finding of truth. that said, you also don't want the government finding guilt where there is none. so instead, have both in the jury box. this also presents problems since a trained judge would be more eloquent (likely) than some homeless guy or whatever they got to get into the jury... every solution has its own problems. perhaps we need robot judges.
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.