by Sazari » Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:10 am
You shit boomers keep asking what WE are going to do to fix your mistakes? What we are going to do to save the country?
1. First of all, go f**k yourselves. Seriously, you sit here, devouring state money with your pensions, running up the defect, and you are now asking US how WE are going to fix the mess you ARE STILL CREATING? THis is just boomer logic at the core. You guys have been wrecking the economy since Reagan and now you want to know why a bunch of 20 year olds haven't turned the nation around.
2. You keep us down by RUINING THE ECONOMY. We have no f**k money. You created a system where HALF OF US WITH DEGREES CANNOT GET A JOB. What are we going to do to affect change when we have no money, and no earning potential, because right as we try to start our careers you drove the economy off a cliff.
3. You have made us debt slaves, by demanding degrees for a bullshit boomer culture of credentialism, and then charging us a MORTGAGE to get that degree. It really is a form of slavery. We can't discharge these loans in bankruptcy like all you shit boomers dumped your foreclosures. FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES WE ARE PAYING BACK SHITBOOMER INSTITUTIONS WITH INTEREST! But I suppose it is our fault for taking those loans? I suppose you are going to tell me there is nothing wrong with boomers encouraging and demanding kids who are 18, who can't have a f**k beer, taking out 6 figure loans to get an education. It has only helped shitboomer administrators get richer, and has kept us youngs enslaved because we can never get out of the shadow of compounding interest.
4. YOU GUYS BUILT A POLICE STATE. Previous generations always had the option to simply riot. To protest. Youngs usually make up the largest demographic and so even the state has trouble keeping them down when they take to the streets. BUT NOT IN AMERICA. Thanks to the war on drugs, you have made it so a vast majority of us could be accused of criminal behavior for any minor infraction. You lock millions of us away and take away our right to vote for non-violent offenses. You have made the nations police forces paramillitary institutions that are extremely adept at gunning down rioters and dispersing peaceful protesters. You have built an information security apparatus to ensure that ANYONE who participates in any kind of unsanctioned protest will have their name, social and picture thrown into a file that will be used against them to keep them from getting jobs or getting loans or being active politically.
5. Finally, you raised us like shit. Your generation has almost singlehandedly ruined the institution of marriage. We grow up in households where mom and dad are divorced, and there boomers abandon us to go to business meetings or vacations with their new boyfriend. You coddled us in a superficial manner, telling us we are all winners and then acting surprised when we are poorly adjusted to the economic desert you throw us into at at. You complain about us and our iphones, forgetting it was you who let the xbox raise us, who bought us cell phones at 12 instead of books, who made it a habit to eat dinner and watch american idol instead of sitting down and talking like normal f**k people. You guys built the most superficial and unhealthy culture the world has seen, and then had that culture raise us because you were to lazy or to busy to do it yourself. Ultimately we bear the burdens of your mistakes.
None of this is new either. This is perhaps the saddest part of this whole affair. Traditionally, in just about every culture, older generations have had more power than younger ones. They have had decades more to accumulate wealth and power. But historically that power has come with a sense of responsibility. The responsibility to give more to the generation after you, than your generation received. That is how we as a species have progressed. Every generation has taken that responsibility very seriously. Even during other periods of history when we regressed, it was because of poor thinking, not poor motives. When we fought devastating wars, we ultimately fought them so our children could live in a world without slavery, or nazis. Every generation has done it's utmost to preserve what they were bequeathed, and then to pass on to their children what they had built. Until the boomers. You guys have taken your dominant position as an older generation and utterly decimated the country. You have abandoned your responsibility to us, you have abandoned your responsibility to this nation, and you have abandoned your responsibility to humanity. You were given the world, you bled it for all it's worth, and now you hand us a carcass. Then you have the nerve to wonder why your children haven't fixed it yet? You guys have utterly abused your position, unlike any other generation in american history.
There isn't much we can do ultimately. We can't tax you at old age to make up for the trillions in tax cuts you decided to give yourselves. We cannot collect hundreds of thousands of dollars from every boomer to make up for the 14 trillion dollar deficit you left us. Ultimately, you shit boomers have cheated history. You have ensured you will leach and destroy more than you create. My generation on the other hand, has accepted we will inherit almost nothing. We look out at the ruined economy, at our student loan debts running up, at the police abusing us and at boomers demanding even more for their medicare and social security. We look out and see this and quite frankly it's not worth fighting at the moment. We have no money, no power, and cannot even threaten violence. Some of us, like me, strive and bide our time, waiting and preparing so that in 10 years we will be in a position to seize this nation with a vengeance. Some of us have given up, and are content to sit at home and leech off of our parents, in one last ditch attempt to even the scales before they retire and blow all of their ill gotten wealth in st. vincent or in the chinese stock market. We will rise with a fury, but now is not the time. What little flame their is must stay hidden, so that the boomer establishment cant stamp it out. But as the boomers grow old and weary, as their age forces them out of the way for a new generation, that little flame will grow into a fire, and it will burn down the terrible institutions boomers have created. Justice will never be done, but our vengeance will be swift and long after you are all gone, we will still be here, diligently putting together the pieces of a great nation your generation shattered for it's own greed.
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