by Indy » Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:00 am
Sometimes? This has already been investigated seven times. So by electing "my" guys you mean: electing non-corrupt guys?
Here's an interesting contrast: how many bogus investigations were launched during Bush's two terms that were merely charades to get a Democrat elected? Hmmm... thinking back on it, zero. We're on investigation #8 for a 9/11 attack which killed a total of four people overseas. For the other 9/11 attack, which happened in D.C. and NYC, where 3,300 people were killed and the WTC was leveled, we had exactly one investigation that was fought tooth and nail by President Cheney and Bush. While Hillary will be dragged in front of the Benghazi "investigation" for a second time on TV this week--Bush and Cheney refused to testify on TV, refused to allow their testimony to be made public, refused to testify under oath and only agreed to be questioned together behind closed doors. This of course received unflagging support from Party members--the same Party running this "investigation."
That wasn't their only accomplishment, though. They then lied us into a war where we lost even MORE lives than on 9/11 and at last estimate cost us two trillion dollars and counting while alienating what had been a sympathetic region of the world in the aftermath of 9/11 and spawned the instability which now presents us with ISIS. 4,400 Americans died, tens of thousands were maimed for life and our military supremacy was permanently stained all to invade a country that presented exactly zero threat to us. How many investigations resulted from that? Where Bush and Cheney were put on the hot seat in front of the nation to answer the hard questions?
Just remember, when you excuse corruption you excuse it all--and rampant corruption is a pretty quick route to destroying this country.
It's not even a question anymore what the Benghazi "investigation" is. When you simply excuse it by saying this is just normal stuff when it's not "your" guys you engage in the kind of theater criticism replacing serious criticism that has allowed appalling farces like this to continue.