by Kachar » Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:28 pm
When something bad happens, one of the kids get hurt (badly), has seizures, the house is on fire, some big catastrophy around me I go into bitch mode. That is not how I act on normal basis. I am cold, calculating, and directive but calm. I get the job done, the crisis taken care of. Then when it is in the hands of another (Doctor, fireman,,,,,,) I break down and lose it. But first I take care of business. If I let my emotions rule, it don't get fixed.
Put me in front of a camera, you get the same thing. Clinton has to be cold and calculating as everyone is trying for the ''got you'' moment.
Her knowledge, skills, and love for this country is up and beyond most. I remember the last time she ran, was asked a question, misunderstood it. Under pure exhaustion of the campaign, she broke down and answered with tears. Oh my heavens. That became the story for months. Nuts. What's wrong with H. Clinton is what opponents MAKE UP about her.
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