by Davethulhu » Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:49 pm
I've got a question, something that I guess I just don't understand. For the sake of argument, let's assume that Clinton and Obama did intentionally mislead people about the reasons behind the Benghazi attack. Obama wanted to downplay the severity so that it wouldn't reflect poorly on his efforts in the middle east. It's sketchy, but it pales in comparison to the Bush administration's deceptions involving Iraq. My question is: So what? It's a mountain out of a molehill.
All of the other right-wing claims about the attack have been shown to be baseless. There wasn't a stand-down order. There weren't reaction forces that could have reached the area in time to provide any assistance. The administration didn't watch the attack take place in real time. What the f**k does Sidney Blumenthal have to do with anything. Etc etc.